Critical Review: Introduction

My critical review will link to my work on memory and place. I have compiled a list of artists that use these themes in their work and I will research these in more detail to decide which relate most to the concepts that I’m interested in.

  • Gerhard Richter
  • Gregor Schneider
  • Franz Radziwill
  • Robert Rauschenberg
  • Peter Blake
  • Rachel Whiteread

This discussion could be taken further by introducing the idea of palimpsest – something that is reused or altered but still bears traces of it’s earlier form. This is something I mention in the Erased de Kooning research point and links to the work of Schneider and Radziwill. It also connects to my thoughts around memory and how formative experiences influence our ideas and how the consequences of these are still visible in our thoughts and actions throughout our lives.

I could investigate how some of the artists mentioned deal with the concept of memory and place and how this informs their work. I could consider the similarities in themes between these, and how their conclusions differ from each other’s and my own.

I’ve also been doing some wider reading and could bring in ideas from the likes of Nietzsche, Newton and Blake around the concept of memory and place.


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